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Project Division Leader
- Dr. Luke Lavan (University of Kent/ U. K.).
Sagalassos Excavation Director
- Prof. Dr Peter Talloen (Bilkent/ Turkey).
Cooperation partners
- Turkish Ministry of Culture
- Prof. Jeroen Poblome (KULeuven)

Project Summary

This project is a multi-disciplinary research programme led by Luke Lavan (Kent) under project director Peter Talloen (Bilkent). It aims to improve our knowledge of the nature and chronology late antique Sagalassos, which represents one of the most intensively excavated examples of a city from the 4th-6th c. A.D. It offers the opportunity to study problems of late classical urban chronology, notably building techniques involving architectural reuse, with a view to reconstructing the condition of urban landscapes in this period. The project includes a programme of archive, library, and fieldwork to re-record previously excavated areas with a high potential for late phasing. It trials field methods developed specifically to address the problems of urban archaeology in this period, particularly the potential of spolia. Whilst survey will be extensive in nature, excavations will be targeted to address particularly significant areas for dating, including the shops, portico, and street paving of the colonnaded street. The objectives of the project include the publication of papers on the results of work, and pamphlets to inform the interpretation of the site to visitors.

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